Juicing is healthy, but easily contaminated by pathogens

So many fruits. So many veggies. So little time.

That’s the dilemma that people who want to eat as healthy as possible face. After all, who really has the time to eat the recommended 5 to 9 servings of fruits or vegetables — 2 1/2 cups of veggies and two cups of fruit — each and every day.  Even nutrition experts agree that eating that many servings each day can be a challenge.

“Quite a leap from the typical American diet, which includes a mere cup and a half of veggies and one cup of fruit per day,” says USDA.

That’s where juicing comes into the picture. Juicing advocates say it’s a great way to toss some fresh fruits and veggies into a juicer, and voila  — a concentrated version of the nutrients, all in a glass of what hopefully is a delicious concoction.

Or as Kris Carr, New York Times best-selling author and wellness advocate, puts it: “By removing the fiber, all of the nutrients in the plant’s juice — vitamins, minerals, enzymes — instantly flood our bodies with goodness.”

And she points out that even those with the heartiest of appetites would find it challenging to consume the same amount of raw vegetables and fruits with a fork.

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